Posts Tagged ‘Outward Bound School (OBS)’

Hi-ho hi-ho its Outward Bound School (OBS) we go

This morning I leave for Lumut, near Pangkor to participate in the Outward Bound School or OBS program.

Did you know it was the first center established outside the United Kingdom, in 1955?. I think this is my 4th trip. Or is it my 5th? I perform better each time cause I know what to expect. Its tough but nowhere as tough as the climb up Mount Kinabalu, Sabah. Yup that’s right, the highest mountain in South-east Asia. We special kids did that climb. Believe it. I’ll tell you all about it next time. Last night Mum checked every single thing I packed. I did well. The most important thing was my meds. I have to take 5 tablets a day. It keeps in check epilepsy attacks especially when I am away from home. Anxiety from unfamiliar surroundings seems to bring it on. Huh tell me about it. I had seizures during two holidays. Once on a beach in Krabi, Thailand and another on a cow farm in Bandung, Indonesia. That itself requires a post of its own. I just forgot a sarong for prayer time, a few toiletries and shorts for shower time. Yeay good job. The first time I was in OBS I created an uproar bathing in the nude. Go figure. Went out to get me flip-flops. I chose one with vertical blue stripes. Mum said I have good taste. Used to be a time when Mum had to chose every single thing for me cos I just wasn’t aware of color or shape. Now I can even ‘feel’ quality. Sensory-wise that’s a huge step.

We got to my old school nice and early. Mum reads me the itinerary. Sounds good, especially the BBQ at the end of the program. Hahaha. The teacher- in-charge tells parents not to worry if the weather gets bad on the night that we are supposed to row over to a little island and camp there. If that happens they will abandon the plan. Mum gives me pocket-money and she leaves me on the bus with the others. She knows I’ll be alright. After all I am the oldest in the group. Hope to be able to put up some photos of my activities there in the next blog. Be back on Friday evening, July 30th. Till then have a look at the photos below. That’s some of the outdoorsy stuff I will be doing. Looks like fun right? Bye now.





Our Kayak trip